What shipping methods do you offer?
      (1) Expedited shipping Delivery time is between a few days to all major destinations, the fastest shipping method worldwide. Different items have different shipping costs, but all expedited shipping orders will get a part discount on shipping costs. (2) Standard shipping Delivery time is a period of time free shipping to all major destinations, it is free shipping but takes a bit longer than expedited shipping. The shipping costs differ from item to item, but for the free shipping items, standard shipping order will get a discount on shipping costs. However, for the non-free shipping items, you only enjoy a part discount for it.
      Note: 1. The above delivery estimates do not include order processing time. 2. We are not responsible for customs taxes, thus if your local customs or courier ask for taxes, You should pay by yourself. Usually we would mark the parcel as a gift and value low to avoid the custom duty, but different country, different policy. It is better to look into your local customs.
How can I track my package?
      Once your order has shipped out, we will send you a Shipping Confirmation email that includes your tracking number and the express company "s name and its website. Just click on the link and it will take you to another website. From there you can use the tracking code to track your package.